Do You Have Jesus?

From Chicken Soup for the Soul: Laughter Is the Best Medicine

Joan Dubay

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Simple moments with your grandchildren often become priceless moments.
~Author Unknown

“Grammy, do you have Jesus?”

The question came from the mouth of my two-year-old grandson. I paused, thinking of a correct way to answer him. I was especially concerned with the repercussions from his non-churchgoing parents. Avoidance was my immediate choice.

“Does Daddy have Jesus?” I asked.

“No, he does not.” (Samson always spoke in complete sentences.)

“Does Mommy have Jesus?”

“No. She says she is ‘piritual.’ ” (Samson did not pronounce “s” blends.)

Then, thankfully, his two-year-old mind was off to another venture. I had successfully diverted the Jesus conversation.

That evening at dinner with his parents, I spilled the Jesus story, indicating my complete innocence. I definitely did not introduce the topic. Peter and Jessica laughed, telling me that Samson had been saying parts of prayers and blessings. Maybe he’d learned them from a friend or the playgroup he went to once a week. They said he’s been asking them about Jesus, too.

Several days later, I saw Samson again.

“Grammy, do you have Jesus?”

Knowing I was off the hook with his parents, I decided to do some investigative questioning.

“Do you have Jesus, Samson?”

“No, I do not.”

“Do you know someone who has Jesus?”

“Yes, I do, Grammy. Maggie has Jesus.”

“Where would Jesus be?”

I expected him to say “in my heart” or something profound. (He was a most intelligent two-year-old.) He slid off my lap and went to the kitchen. I followed.

“Jesus might be there,” he said, pointing to the breadbox. “Or there,” he commented, pointing to the cupboard.

I was onto something now.

“What does Jesus look like?”

He paused.

“Jesus is orange and… quare.” (Missing the “s” on square.)

I paused and smiled. Mystery solved.


“Yes, Grammy. I would like Jesus. Do you have Jesus?”

“No, but I have some Goldfish crackers. Would that work?”

— Joan Dubay —

Reprinted by permission of Chicken Soup for the Soul, LLC 2024. In order to protect the rights of the copyright holder, no portion of this publication may be reproduced without prior written consent. All rights reserved.

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